Airway Examinations
Airway Examinations
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry guidelines call for pediatric dentists to screen all patients for clinical signs and symptoms for any airway issues or red flags that would warrant further diagnostic tests, treatment, or referral to a medical specialist. An oral examination at our office includes the evaluation of all aspects of your child’s oral health and development including a thorough medical history, birth and feeding history, and review of symptoms with speech, breathing or eating. Our clinical exam includes evaluation of the soft tissue such as the tongue, soft palate, gingiva, and oral restrictions such as tongue or lip ties. The examination will also evaluate your child’s dentition, skeletal development of the jaws, spacing for permanent teeth and the relationship of the upper and lower jaws to the rest of the face. In addition, Dr. Rozas will screen your child for any signs of airway issues based on clinical findings with symptoms reported by the parents or caretaker.